Thursday, December 15, 2011

Caffeine Side Effects

Hours shows at 11pm, the body feels tired and sleepy. The morning and afternoon school sports training. Only just had finished their homework. But at 1:30 am I have a live soccer match English League between Manchester United and Arsenal. To overcome the problem of drowsy you have to take a cup of coffee and snacks.

Such situations often occur in adolescents. Furthermore, when to sit, some both study until late at night with a bundle sekole coffee. Do you know what that makes you fresh and able to stay awake till the morning? Do you know what the chemicals contained in coffee? Generally have to know about caffeine.

Caffeine is a drug that produced naturally in the leaves and seeds of some plants. Caffeine also produced artificially and used as additives or flavors in some foods.

Caffeine is known also known by its chemical name trimetilksantina metilksantina family. This material is a white powder and a little bitter taste. Other chemicals found in the theophylline group is found in tea leaves and teobromin found in cocoa beans.

Caffeine found in coffee beans (Coffea arabica), tea leaves (Theasinensis) and cocoa (cacao Theobrama). Caffeine is also available in more than 60 other vegetation types. Among the trees guarana (Paullinia cupana) in the Amazon. Caffeine is often used, especially in soft drinks. Many teenagers are now very keen to take the non-cola drinks contain caffeine, but also only the high sugar content. Caffeine is also used in some medicines to treat several diseases. Among the treatment of headaches, migraines, heart disease and relax airways in asthma treatment.

Effect of Caffeine Intake

Effects of caffeine depending on the amount taken and different for each individual who took it. On average, the smaller the size or weight of a person, the less caffeine needed to produce the effect. However, many of the effects of caffeine depending on the amount taken. Coffee Lovers often require a high intake to achieve pleasure. This means that more caffeine is consumed every day, then more is needed to achieve pleasure.

Caffeine will enter the body's system after a few hours then take it out through urine. Continuing impact of caffeine on our bodies as long as still in the blood. The time required by the body to remove half of the amount of caffeine is taken from a few hours to a few days. On the average for adults, the impact could be felt for five to seven hours. There are several factors that slowed life of caffeine in our body, including a person who takes drugs, liver disease and pregnant women.

Therefore, for pregnant women on caffeine should be reduced or stopped altogether because caffeine increases the risk of miscarriage and infertility. There is also evidence that caffeine can cause birth defects at birth.

Caffeine can cause people with heart problems and the failure of the nerves become more severe, and most consumers are unaware of this situation on them.

Studies have shown that caffeine affects such as the use of other stimulant drugs. Caffeine tends to stimulate the brain and central nervous system then acts on the heart, blood vessels and kidneys. One of the most common symptoms faced by consumers is dehydration (excessive water production from the body causing the body of water shortage). Even if you think by drinking a lot of caffeine to maintain body water content, but will serve instead of caffeine on the body. Here, caffeine acts to accelerate digestion and stimulate the production of urine.

In such a situation it is important to the youth active in sports and liked to drink caffeinated non-caffeinated drink enough water to prevent dehydration. With caffeine will also cause loss of body calcium and potassium, and this will cause muscle pain and delay the time to rest after an exercise. For women in menopause who prefer caffeine organs will accelerate the process of osteoporosis due to loss of the mineral materials.

Although the effects of caffeine vary from one user to other users, medical practitioners advised to take no more than 100 mg of caffeine a day, being approximately one cup of coffee a day. But there are many recommendations put forward by various parties on the ideal of caffeine. Notwithstanding the recommendations put forward the ideal of caffeine should consult a doctor first if we are certain illnesses that may be allergic to caffeine.

Intake at doses of 250 to 750mg of caffeine (two to seven cups of coffee) can cause a person has a panic situation, tired, not sleeping, headache and abdominal pain. But caffeine will increase the sense of caution and suspicion increase and enhance the focus on the task. However, sleep will be disturbed, was more calm and relieve fatigue.

If taken more than 750mg of caffeine (seven cups of coffee) per day will cause headaches, irritability, fear arose and could not sleep (insomnia). High doses also can cause cramping and may be followed by death.

Long-term effects

Ulcer - Caffeine is believed to cause ulcers, since it stimulates the production of acid and peptin in the stomach. If taken in large amounts can cause stomach discomfort. A person suffering from ulcer are advised not to take coffee because it will cause ulcers worse. But, not caffeine alone caused the occurrence of ulcers. More research should be conducted to prove whether caffeinated coffee and coffee without caffeine can cause ulcers.

Heart Problems - There is evidence to suggest that caffeine can cause irregular heartbeat (cardiac SCA) to some people. Usually people with heart disease are advised not to take caffeine at all. Even so there is no evidence that caffeine is a risk factors for heart disease.

Addicted - Caffeine can make some people become addicted. If individuals continue berbabit stop caffeine intake, they will experience withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal symptoms) such as headaches. This symptom is common among coffee lovers and this headache will go away by itself within one to five days or it will get back to drinking coffee again, or take drugs. Most coffee lovers who try to cut down on caffeine may experience nervousness, pain, unable to work, fatigue, drowsiness and headache.

To remove the caffeine addiction habits is not easy. Effective way is to reduce intake per day. Practice drinking plenty of water and fruit juices in your daily meals.

Type of Food & Drink

Caffeine content (mg)


Coffee Filters / Filter


one cup

Instant Coffee


one cup



one cup

Tea Bags


one cup

Coffee Caffeine transvestite


one cup

Kola drinks



Sunkist Orange Soda



Hot Chocolate Drink


one cup

Chocolate Cake


a cut


Migraine Drug

100 mg / dose


15-40 mg / dose

Cough / Flu

15-125 mg / dose

* The above information obtained from